Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My 2013 Resolution

This is something I created on the first day of 2012 as well. Some of my goals worked, some stretched goals were partially achieved. I overachieved some. My mentors and coaches agree with me but at the same time I have received extremely valuable comments and feedback from them on some of my weakness I am more interested in finding what I can do better this time. I came across an HBR article on leadership which used a powerful metaphor to explain the effectiveness of the strategy. The gist of it is that if your pair up your strategy well, it will work more effectively that it will work alone. An obvious example is simply working on your technical expertise may not go very far if you do not work on improving your ability to communicate with your audiences. Here are some of the combination of skills that I plan to work on early next year:

  1. Implement organizational efficiencies by improving interpersonal skills. Bringing changes without boiling the ocean is something I am determined to work on. I have been very successful in making positive changes through process orientation and strategic execution, but in the process, make few people unhappy. In fact, this one goes beyond pairwise in my opinion. As a leader, I need to create an environment where I have higher level of commitments from my staff and co-workers so that they stick to the ideas and implementation. 
  2. Become more customer focused by Inspiring your group to use your product everyday. This is going to be challenging, but unless we use our product like our customer do, there is no silver bullet that can improve quality of the product. Thinking like customer opens your mind for new ways of using which can create new product and business opportunity. 
  3. Reaching stretch goals by inspiring others. This is something I have found extremely effective both at my workplace and in my classroom. I have overachieved some of my goals by motivating and inspiring my students to think like entrepreneur and create something which impacts millions. 
I am looking forward to learning new techniques to improve my leadership skills. I know that these skills can be acquired by education and polished at workplace. Good luck to emerging leaders and Have a extremely successful New Year !

1 comment:

  1. Setting goals and following them is one great characteristic of a leader, as much as having great communication skills is. To be a great leader, you have to effectively communicate to your members on how you want the team to play as one. I believe that everyone can become a leader, and the ways and techniques you just shared with us in improving our leadership skills are very beneficial. Thank you and more success to you!

    Guillermina Falkowski


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