Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What can $5 do for you?

  1. You can hire an expert to wonderful things for you for $5 at fiverr 
  2. You can buy a new computer capable of running Linux called piZero for $5
  3. An arduino micro controller board on eBay for $5
  4. Subscribe entire year 12 issues of Wired magazine for $5
  5. can get 4 gallons of gas in your car for $5 cheapest gas in the country
  6. watch a movie on Tuesday for $5 
  7. Your $5 donation to a local food bank can buy up to 50 lbs of food
  8. can get you a hair cut if you live in Philadelphia
  9. hey save your $5 bills whenever you get it...very soon you will have $100
  10. Share your $5 idea please!


How we use GenAI at IBM Software Support

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