Wednesday, January 13, 2010

BEWARE of "Strathmore's Whos Who" Email SCAM

I got this spam in my work email Inbox. I have pasted the email below, If I remember, I have got this email a couple of times in the past and instantly figured out that its a SCAM. Please don't feel proud that you were selected to be included in this unknown "Strathmore's Whos Who" and DO NOT fall into this trap. This time, I decided to do some internet research and found that many "professionals" were fallen into this trap and send them money for plaque and certificates. The thing bothers most to me is that how do these scammers get my work email address. I used my work email address only to subscribe professional journals and magazines(some are free) I am sure they sell the email address to third parties to make money in exchange of free magazines they deliver. At the bottom of the email there is a unsubscribe link which points to a domain called which again is a scammer. Here is the email, if anyone knows any official website to report such scams, please post.
It is my pleasure to inform you that on January 5th, 2009 your information was reviewed and accepted for inclusion in the 2010 edition of our registry.
Strathmore's Whos Who each year, recognizes and selects key executives, professionals and organizations in all disciplines and industries for outstanding business and professional achievements.
This recognition is shared by those who have reached a distinguished level of success in their chosen profession.
Please take a moment to complete the invitation by clicking on the link below. We ask that you complete it carefully, as it will be reviewed by our editorial department.
** Please complete the online link by January 31st.
Strathmore's Whos Who is pleased to inform you that there are no fees or dues to be included in the publication.
On behalf of the CEO and our esteemed staff, we wish you continued success.
J. Edward SimmonsVice President, Research Division Strathmore's Whos Who26 Bond St.
Westbury NY 11590


  1. I wonder if Mr. J.M. Blakely, Vice President, exists and if so did he take Psych 101? Appealing to our ever growing sense of worthlessness during a time of economic crisis? Genius! Certainly cheered me up whilst I sat at my desk trawling through my ever growing task list (currently doing 3 peoples jobs, at no additional salary, due to ‘cut backs’). Although the euphoria of finally being appreciated only lasted a few seconds until my overworked brain figured out this was a scam, I was left with a sense of smug happiness when I seen the list of poor mugs who actually paid for the pleasure of being added to the website (if indeed that isn’t fake as well). Kudos to you Mr. J.M.Blakely, at least someone is making money these days..

  2. Yeah -- funny how "" is really, isn't it?

    I subscribe to, a GREAT and FREE service which makes reporting spam, not just blocking it, ridiculously easy. Register there, and you'll get an Email address to which to forward spam. Whenever you forward one, it parses all those full Internet headers, finds out exactly where to send spam reports, and sends you an Email with a link to a web page with a button saying "Send Spam Report(s) Now". Simple!

    You can also display or suppress technical info, and I display all: the info about this Strathmore spam tells me to report it to the following:

    Re: (Administrator of network where email originates)

    Re: (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)

    Re: (Administrator of network hosting website referenced in spam)

    I also recommend, as does the government, to report ALL spam to

  3. It is amazing how people who have something negative to say, always make themselves anonymous!!! It you are justified in what you are printing than prove it by saying who you are!!!!

  4. People do not want to post their names, because this invites more spam. In my case, I feel totally embarrassed that I was naive enough to fall for this.

  5. 5/17/16. Just got a call tonight from someone in TX saying they were from Strathmore and after signing up again since '08, I remembered that I paid back then enough to take care of me for a lifetime membership. So why do they ask again? I will call him back tomorrow and tell them to cut the payment and if they don't I will call the bank and stop the card before they go through and put the payment in. They will get their's later! Thanks for reading, Maureen Zuerner, El Cerrito, CA

    1. Maybe they are working the Bay Area these days. I'm in Napa.

  6. Always a scammers in the woodpile. And alas, even the best get pulled into the spider Web of deciet. I seek no fanfare or kudos for my professional success, so as one to follow the beat of a different drummer, I do not seek attention that this Strathmore is trying to hock.

  7. I fell for it too. Good thing I saw this and I called my bank.

  8. Anybody know if they morphed into a group called P.O.W.E.R? I got a call from the same person that I was dealing with at Strathmore asking for another "membership fee.' What's the connection?

    1. I got a call from them. I own an ice cream business. They asked me some questions and said I was accepted and would be published. I would receive a plaque with my picture etc etc. Then she said it would be $800. That's when I knew it was a hiax

  9. I researched this website Strathmore who's who after being a member of Covington's I've seen realize they were ranked number two interested I gave my portfolio which is quite extensive and they accepted me as a member within a half an hour talking on the phone to one of their suppose and CEOs I was July 4th 2017 I gave them access to my credit card for I believe around $259 for what was called lifetime membership a couple months later I was called up stating that I did not have lifetime membership but I research this website Strathmore who's who after being a member a Covington I've seen realize they were ranked number 2 interested I gave my portfolio which is quite expensive and they accepted me as a member within a half an hour talking on the phone to one of their supposed CEOs I was July 4th 2017 I gave them access to my credit card for I believe around 2 or $59 for what was called lifetime membership a couple months later I was called up stating that I did not have lifetime membership but for an x amount more money they would make me a lifetime membership and then create a beautiful gift for me that would take them a week I listened and did not agree on October third 2017 I checked my direct Express card to see if my money is he come in and I noticed there had been a withdrawal for an excess of $500 I seen found out that it was Strathmore who's who and they took my money out without my permission I contacted them about this and stated that it no way that I ever agree on a 20-minute conversation that they could take that kind of money out when they already had so much of my money I still have not even received as much as a book with my name in it just to worthless plaques

  10. This has been a legal money making scam for them for years and years. If you apply, you are one of their top 10 members in your category. (if you pay the extortion fee for the plaque).
    We have "that guy" in our office, you know him, as he is in about every work place in America. Knows all, been there done that etc.
    He has fallen victim to this honorable company and continues to pay and buy a new plaque every year. He paid the 500.00 membership fee after a 15 minute phone call, to determine that he is "one of the top 10 members".
    Everyone shakes his hand and congratulates him, when he hangs his 15.00 plaque on the wall.
    This is the kind of rube that keeps them in the black.
    Most people are trusting and fall easily for their sham the first time. ( Ok, I admit that I bought in in the late 80s) But once you dig into it, it is very obvious that their publication strictly goes out to their members who are paying to publish it.
    They are operating legally, They decide who is worthy of getting recognition, and they recognize them.
    So if you can afford the recognition, buy the plaque and hang it on the wall, so you too can get ahead in business and be a pillar in the community of Strathmore .


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