Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to the future (India Inc)

This new year was spent mostly in jet lag, as I just got back from a little short of month long trip to India. The gloomy sky, rainy weather, lost dish TV reception gave me a chance to spend  good time with loved ones and few books and magazines that I carried with me. India is shining in terms of GDP growth, world class airports, 6 lane highways, high rise buildings in every small or big town. There are many things however still the same. No accountability and ownership of work, specially among Government workers. Even nationalized bank employee don't fear the competition, may be they will some day when they realize that they get paid by people's deposits in the banks. Corruption is at its peak as federal and state money is abundant to spend on infrastructure and other social welfare programs. For some reason, I was more focused on looking what has not changed rather than seeing what has changed.
I am very optimistic that things will improve back there considerably in this new year. There are plenty of reasons for that. Leaders have recently seen the evidence social engineering and infrastructure development are key to winning elections. The very successful global Indian business leaders are returning to their home country and changing the corporate culture.  I looked at the following business people profile from Business Today magazine who returned their home to be part of the growth story that is being written currently:

  • Malay Mukherjee left ArcelorMittal in UK to join Essar Steel India as CEO
  • Aisha de Sequeira an Yale University graduate returned closer to home as MD and head of Investment banking, Morgan Stanley. She was with same company at New York headquarter.
  • Pawan Goenka an IIT Kanpur grad and PhD from Cornell, now considered father of "scorpio" India's Mahindra's very successful SUV, returned to his home country after a successful career at General Motor in USA
  • Kirthiga Reddy became the first employee of facebook India when it started operation in July 2010
There are many inspiring stories of successful Indians like these who fought hard and proved themselves in US corporate world and now going back to the "future" that they think.

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