Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are you fully using LinkedIn to your advantage?

If you are a working professional chances are, you are part of world's largest professional network called LinkedIn. Question is how are you using your professional network to your advantage. LinkedIn has emerged as a cool technology company like Google in recent past. The company has been following the model of small team creating small experimental projects under LinkedIn Labs. 
  • If someone is looking for change in job, Resume Builder can be very helpful. You can choose a template and generate the resume directly from your linkedIn profile.
  • LinedIn Year in Review is a visual representation of everyone in your network who changed job in a year. This can be beneficial to those who want to check who is hiring.
  • Timeline - This is one of the coolest app, I have used... You can drag your portrait on the timeline and see the images of your network jumping in and out. Those are the connections you have made. 
Check it out more at LinkedIn Engineering. Browse through the Projects and Technology tabs. This will give you the insight on how LinkedIn is solving the social data and search related problems with their home grown / open source solutions. I highly recommend my SJSU students to follow some of the tech talks videos that they have on their Talks Page

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